The Hands of the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra

A musician's hands are essential to the sound he or she creates. But it is their collective action that produces music that can inspire and captivate listeners. Together the hands of the Wyoming Symphony Orchestra become something greater, connect deeply and create beautiful music.


Wyoming Sports

While living in Wyoming, I came to learn how deeply and viscerally connected sports are to the community. Entire towns will come out on a Friday night football game. Many times fathers and grandfathers, who played on those same fields years ago, are in the crowd watching their son's chance at glory. Photographing high school sports and being able to memorialize these typical moments that felt so big became a passion of mine while in Casper.


More than pawns

While covering Sheridan Chess Association’s first-ever tournament in May I took time and space to pursue a mini-project where I asked players a simple question, “What piece best represents you and why?” In order to achieve this I set up a mobile studio in an empty room with a drop cloth and two Home Depot lights and interviewed players in between and before games. From this, I got profound, funny, melancholic and lovely responses.


Cheney election coverage


A summer with Wyoming’s Conservation Corps first all-female crew