35 Lives, 33 Years
Bound by collective grief then and now
On December 21, 1988 state-sponsored terrorists attacked flight Pan Am 103, killing everyone on board including 35 students studying abroad with Syracuse University. These students were a lot like us, they missed trains, dreamt of being famous artists and tried to live fully in this weird twilight between adulthood and childhood. In years to come the massive hole that was left in the wake of the attack, continued to deeply, profoundly and collectively impact our community. It was a professor now with a few students missing from their class, a friend group without their best karaoke member, and a volleyball team with one less teammate.
33 years later, we are again in the midst of a time tipped sideways because of the pandemic. It could be the senior year that never was, a loved one missing from the next family gathering or a feeling of hopelessness and exhaustion. While this feeling of grief caused by the pandemic can be extremely isolating, we are also all bound in it together.
What you see here today is the creation of 35 current Syracuse student artists' impressions of the 35 original students who were lost. Each student was paired with one of the students on the plane based upon interests, personalities and passions. Their art also encompasses the themes of looking forward and collective grief. This exhibition speaks to and connects our shared losses across the 33 years.
The Exhibition

Continuing the connection
One of my main goals as an artist is to create interactive art and spaces for others to process, connect and be a part of the exhibition. At the in-person exhibition, I had a side room where I had visitors record their response to the question, “How have you experienced grief/loss throughout the pandemic?” I also want those who couldn’t be in Syracuse to take part, so below please anonymously respond to the question. These responses will become a part of the exhibition as a way to continue the conversation.